Cloudbet API

Programmatic access to Cloudbet’s sportsbook and services.

Swagger/OpenAPI documentation can be found at

The docs are split into the following sections:

  • Account: Account management functions
  • Feed: Real-time sportsbook data
  • Trading: Trading API
  • Trading B2B: Trading B2B API enabling you to set your own odds based on the data we supply

Cloudbet API Keys

Trading API Key

The Trading API (aka Betting API) is meant for developers who want to place bets and allows you to perform sports betting programatically.

You should deposit the equivalent of 10 EUR in a currency of your choice and can navigate to the API key section in your account menu. You can generate and revoke keys here in case you leak it, but be careful as there is a penalty for rotating keys too often.

Cloudbet Trading API Key

Affiliate API Key

The Affiliate API is primarily meant if you want to consume Cloudbet odds without needing to place bets programatically. You can obtain the Cloudbet Affiliate API Key by logging into your Cloudbet Affiliate account and then visiting the Affiliate API Token page. Please note that there are 2 tokens on this page. Make sure to generate the token in the API Key section.

Using this Cloudbet Affiliate API Key you can then go back to to test the Feed API endpoints.

If you authenticate with the Cloudbet Affiliate API Key, then the Feed API responses may be cached and up to 1 minute behind the latest updates. This is in contrast to using the Cloudbet Trading API Key, which gives you real-time updates.


How to work with markets from Cloudbet API Feed and using the corresponding market URLs in the Cloudbet Trading API to place bets.


Examples showing how to query the Cloudbet API

Handicap Odds

How to work with handicap markets on the Cloudbet API.

Margin Adjustments in Sports Betting

Learn how to adjust margins in sports betting to set your own odds based on the data the Cloudbet B2B API supplies.

Simulated Betting with Test Funds

This page provides information on accessing and using test funds with Cloudbet’s API for simulated betting. This allows users to experiment with betting strategies without risking real money.

Last modified May 22, 2024: api key information (24a33b2)