Simulated Betting with Test Funds

This page provides information on accessing and using test funds with Cloudbet’s API for simulated betting. This allows users to experiment with betting strategies without risking real money.

First, ensure your account balance meets the minimum requirement of 10 EUR equivalent. This can be in any supported currency such as BTC, ETH, USDC, USDT, etc.

Once an API key is generated, a new currency option, PLAY_EUR, can be found in the account menu. A request button to credit the account with Play EUR 100 will be available. This process is self-serve, allowing users to request more funds when needed.

If you require larger amounts or wish to test the API before funding your account, please contact customer support. This ensures you can fully explore Cloudbet’s offerings and refine your strategies without risk.

Last modified May 29, 2024: add page on test funds (3420be1)