Odds Conversion

How to convert between different betting odds formats, including US, Decimal, and Exchange odds.

There are different ways in which odds can be displayed for sports betting markets. Aside from the three primary types — American Odds, Decimal Odds, and Fractional Odds — Cloudbet also supports Hong Kong and Malaysian odds. The Cloudbet API is offered in Decimal Odds format, but you can convert these to other formats using the formulas below.

Converting US Odds to Decimal Odds

US Odds can be converted to Decimal Odds using the following formulas based on whether the US Odds are positive or negative:

For positive US Odds:

$$\tag*{(1)} \text{DecimalOdds} = 1 + \left(\frac{\text{USOdds}}{100}\right)$$

For negative US Odds:

$$\tag*{(2)} \text{DecimalOdds} = 1 + \left(\frac{100}{|\text{USOdds}|}\right)$$


  • For US Odds of -110: \( \text{Decimal Odds} = 1 + \frac{100}{110} \approx 1.909 \)
  • For US Odds of +150: \( \text{Decimal Odds} = 1 + \frac{150}{100} = 2.5 \)

Converting Decimal Odds to US Odds

Decimal Odds can be converted to US Odds using the following formula:

If \(\text{DecimalOdds} \geq 2.0\):

$$\tag*{(3)} \text{USOdds} = (\text{DecimalOdds} - 1) \times 100$$

If \(\text{DecimalOdds} < 2.0\):

$$\tag*{(4)} \text{USOdds} = -\frac{100}{\text{DecimalOdds} - 1}$$


  • For Decimal Odds of 1.909: \( \text{US Odds} = -\frac{100}{1.909 - 1} \approx -110 \)
  • For Decimal Odds of 2.5: \( \text{US Odds} = (2.5 - 1) \times 100 = 150 \)

Converting Fractional Odds to Decimal Odds

Fractional Odds are commonly used in the UK and Ireland and represent the potential profit received on a bet relative to the stake. Here’s how to convert between Fractional Odds and other formats:

To convert Fractional Odds to Decimal Odds, add 1 to the result of dividing the numerator by the denominator:

$$\tag*{(7)} \text{DecimalOdds} = 1 + \left(\frac{\text{Numerator}}{\text{Denominator}}\right)$$


  • For Fractional Odds of 3/2: \( \text{Decimal Odds} = 1 + \frac{3}{2} = 2.5 \)

Exchange Odds to Standard Bookmaker Odds

Betting exchanges offer odds in a decimal format similar to standard bookmakers but include a commission on winnings. This section explains how to adjust exchange odds to reflect the equivalent odds offered by a standard bookmaker, accounting for the commission taken by the exchange.

For US Exchange Odds:

$$\tag*{(5)} \text{EquivalentUSOdds} = \text{USExchangeOdds} - \left(\frac{\text{USExchangeOdds} \times \text{Commission}}{100 - \text{Commission}}\right)$$

For Decimal Exchange Odds:

$$\tag*{(6)} \text{EquivalentDecimalOdds} = \frac{\text{DecimalExchangeOdds}}{1 - (\text{Commission} / 100)}$$

Example (with 1% Commission):

  • For US Odds of -110: \( \text{Adjusted US Odds} = -110 \times (1 - 0.01) \approx -111.10 \)
  • For Decimal Odds of 1.909: \( \text{Adjusted Decimal Odds} = 1.909 \times (1 - 0.01) \approx 1.88991 \)
Last modified May 13, 2024: add odds conversion page (0e2be6d)